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u3a Bromley

Even in November there’s always a garden to visit

u3a volunteers welcomed 4 new members on our Discovery Day

Cockney Sing-a-long – What a knockout!

Our new Daytime Disco gets off to a great start

Happy Chinese New Year! Apparently the Year of the Snake in 2025 signifies reflection, recalibration and renewal! 

So this is an ideal time to view our learning opportunities and events, whether in the Bromley Newsletter (January edition is out, next one is March) elsewhere on the website, through word of mouth, following up on emails from the Committee about Bromley Groups, etc. There are also events from u3a London region and the Third Age Trust.

Remember we have over 70 interest groups in Bromley alone.  Many are looking for new members. Talk about being spoilt for choice. If you have an idea for a new Group, please do get in touch.

Angela, on behalf of the u3a Bromley Committee

Learn, Laugh and Live!

Bromley u3a