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u3a Bromley

Literary Discussion

This group is hosted by Beckenham u3a under our Bromley, Orpington & Beckenham (BOB) arrangement whereby Bromley members can join this without having to also join Beckenham as a member.

This is a small poetry discussion group meeting monthly at 3pm in the group leader's home on a day arranged by group members. Two poems will be read each session, supplied by the group leader, or by other members if they wish. There will be close focus on the text and methods writers use to create effects. Members will be encouraged to develop their own responses, supported by detailed reading of the poem. There is scope for broader discussion of issues raised within the poems, which will be very varied. If you love poetry, and enjoy exploring language and ideas with other people, this may be the group for you.

If you are interested and want to know more, contact the Beckenham group leader.

The group will meet monthly on agreed days in group leader's home from 3 to 5 pm

Bromley u3a