Watercolour painting
There are three groups - Watercolour painting, watercolour painting (Group A) and watercolour painting (Group B)
Watercolour painting (GL01)
This is a group for those who enjoy painting watercolour.
We meet on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month
10:00 to 12:00
5th floor Bromley Central Library
Watercolour painting club (Group A - GL01)
Beginners welcome. Help given by other group members.
We meet alternate Mondays 10:00 to 12:00
5th Floor Bromley Central Library
Watercolour painting (Group B - GL01)
A friendly group with members having very mixed abilities. Painting from photographs, still life or whatever people want. Beginners welcome as are those who want to come and visit us to see if it would suit them. This group is also open to Beckenham u3a members.
The group meets weekly on a Monday at St John's Church, Eden Park Avenue