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u3a Bromley

Let's Dance - U3A Daytime Disco

6th February 2025

U3A Daytime Disco

Some of the disco members have for some time been asking if it could change back to Monday, the day we started with, while others have said that they prefer Tuesday, so a vote was taken, and although not everyone in the group voted, there were more votes for Monday, but also several people who didn’t mind either day. So in January I ran the disco on both Monday and Tuesday, inviting members to choose which day they preferred, and to come along and vote with their feet. This resulted a big majority for Tuesday, so from February the disco will take place on Tuesday, from 2 - 3 pm at Bromley Little Theatre.

The group had a mention on the Tony Blackburn Sounds of the Sixties show, and he played ‘Let’s Dance’ by Chris Montez, which we are now playing every week at the end of the session.

We have also had enquiries from several U3As who have heard about our disco and asked for advice on how to set one up. One asked how much we paid our DJ! Of course I just use a playlist on the phone, linked to the speakers in the room. I draw up a different playlist every week, sometimes with a theme, e.g. lots of Elvis records when it would have been his 90th birthday. We also had a Christmas playlist, followed by a social held in the theatre bar, with nibbles and Prosecco, and a pop quiz in the middle, enjoyed by all.

New members are always welcome, just come along and dance to the sounds of the fifties, sixties and seventies with our disco lights making patterns in the darkened room!

Contributed by Christine Cavanagh

Some of our dancers can still do the twist!
Some of our dancers can still do the twist!
Dancing to Marianne Faithfull - the week she died
Dancing to Marianne Faithfull - the week she died

Bromley u3a