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u3a Bromley

Slough – who knew? As our Elizabeth Line Leisurely Explorers discovered.

The All Hands Garden Group taking over at Hall Place, Bexley

One of our members re-awakens her painting skills thanks to the u3a Bromley Art Group

Our new Daytime Disco gets off to a great start

Signs of Spring are all around in my garden, including a blooming tulip, a real surprise for February. And lo and behold, six new u3a Bromley Interest Groups have also bloomed, making our total number now 76.


These range from Horse riding, Daytime Disco and Motorcycling to History of Fashion, Literary Discussion and Plays in Production, you could not imagine a more diverse collection.

Interest Groups are the life blood of any u3a and every one is the inspiration of one of our members. Starting an Interest Group is a fantastic way to meet people, make friends and enjoy a shared passion. If you have an idea, we can make it happen and help our members:

Learn, Laugh and Live!

Bromley u3a